세계 수준의 개방형 비디오 인프라
Livepeer is a video infrastructure network for live and on-demand streaming. Designed to give developers the freedom to innovate, creators autonomy from platforms, and viewers a choice in their experience.
Livepeer is a video infrastructure network for live and on-demand streaming. Designed to give developers the freedom to innovate, creators autonomy from platforms, and viewers a choice in their experience.
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10분 입문서
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Livepeer 입문서는 스토리텔링, 삽화 및 데이터를 통해 Livepeer가 해결하는 문제와 그 작동 방식을 개괄적으로 설명합니다.
확인하기The Livepeer Ecosystem
A growing network of open video apps
By combining Livepeer’s open video API with other emerging open protocols in social and onchain finance, developers are disrupting the way creators own and monetize their video content, enabling novel experiences in music, entertainment, shopping, gaming, and beyond.
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